Our elementary school earned Tier 1 status for the third consecutive year.

On the 2017-2018 DC Public Charter School Board (PCSB) School Quality Reports, our elementary school ranked among the highest performing schools in the city with a Tier 1 rating for the third year in a row.

Tier 1 Status for Third Consecutive Year!

The elementary school has shown continued improvement on the English Language Arts (ELA) PARCC assessment, and strong scores in the Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS), which is used to rate our Pre-K programs.

Outperforming City Averages

Our elementary school continued to exceed city averages on the 2018 Partnerships for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career (PARCC) exam, and our 4th grade students showed growth on the highest levels of performance on the Math assessment compared to 2017, increasing by six percentage points (Levels 4 and 5).

Principal2017-2018 Elementary School Enrollment
Brittany Wagner-Friel348 Students
Congratulations, Mr. Byrd!

In 2018, our elementary school music teacher, Ben Byrd, was named a finalist for the Washington Post Teacher of the Year Award! Ben has built a singing culture at the elementary school, where Pre-K3-4th grade students are eager to stand in front of a microphone to share their voices with others. Our school community is extremely grateful for Ben's passion and dedication to all of our students.

Intentional Community Building

A part of achieving our mission lies in helping all members of our community to develop relationships so that we can together support the success and happiness of our students. Through our elementary school's partnership with the Flamboyan Foundation, staff members conducted visits with families outside of school to help build two-way relationships. In 2017-2018, our elementary school completed visits for 81% of students to help staff effectively partner with our families.

Celebrating Our Diverse and Inclusive Culture

In 2017-2018, our elementary school added a new component to our weekly All School Meetings called, “Our Diverse Community.” Each week, members of our community share something about their identity to help us value and find connection in our differences. By preparing students at the youngest levels for our diverse world, we are equipping them with skills that will help them thrive in middle school, high school, and beyond.